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How to Track Your NVS Analytics in Anow
How to Track Your NVS Analytics in Anow
Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

Now that NVS and Anow have partnered together, as a member of the NVS panel, you have the opportunity to accept orders directly from NVS in Anow and easily track the data behind those appraisals.

When you're logged into your Anow account, click on the Analytics header.

Once you're redirected, the page will automatically load showing you all of your orders that have been Completed over the last 3 months. You can adjust these filters based on whatever date range you'd like, and whether you want to see Completed, Created, or Paid orders. Click Apply if you make any changes to your search.

On the left side of the page there's a column where you have the ability to view All Orders (Order Analytics) or Orders In Progress by specific Client.

After you've selected the Client option under Order Analytics, you'll see all of the orders in the chosen time period, organized by each client, including Nations Valuation Services (NVS). Click the green + Expand button to reveal the relevant appraisals.

You should see a row of new icons appear after clicking Expand. The first section allows you to filter your results by Paid, Unpaid and Partially Paid orders from NVS. You can also search for a certain order. 

Towards the left you'll notice options for you to apply batch payments to orders right through the Analytics section, as well the ability to generate reports including data report PDFs and client detail reports. 

The order details you have access to through Analytics are: the file number, property address, assigned appraiser, client name, created on date, completed on date, turn-around-time, payment status, report fee, loan number, and client reference number, total billed, average price, paid amount, and amount remaining.

You can also mark outstanding orders as paid by selecting the Mark as Paid option below the purple Unpaid icon in the Payment column. 

If you have any questions about this, feel free to reach out to the support team via live chat or by emailing

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