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Anow's QC Dashboard and QC Status Feature
Anow's QC Dashboard and QC Status Feature

Simplify the review process and let Anow help you streamline the way reviewers handle their work.

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

The QC Status and Dashboard features in Anow are designed to help you handle and simplify the review process. Get a look at orders in review in seconds!

QC Status

To request a review, go to the details page for any order and you'll see a Review tab by the Workflow area. 

Select a Review Type, assign a Reviewer and upload the report file. A button will appear letting you go directly to the report from the appraisal details page. 

When the review has been assigned, the status of this order will automatically update to show that it is In Review. The review status will also show up on the main appraisal dashboard.

QC Dashboard

When you go to the main dashboard you'll notice a third tab on the left side of the screen: Review/QC. This area is dedicated to all of the orders In Review. 

Access the Review/QC tab and you'll be able to easily keep track of every order that is currently in a Review status. 

You can also look at the "Status" column to find out exactly where in the Review process that particular order is. 

Just like the main dashboard for your regular Anow orders, there are also filters available on the Review/QC dashboard to help you find what you're looking for, fast. 

Orders that require reviews and have not yet been started will show as being Ready for Review.

Clicking on any of the orders in this Review/QC dashboard will take you directly to the Review Details page where the assigned Reviewer can begin working on the report anytime.

Each Review Report will list all of the items that need to be individually checked. 

  • Approve an item by clicking the check mark.

  • Add a Warning by clicking the exclamation (!) point.

  • To flag an item as Critical, you have to mark it as having a Warning first, then choose the "Mark As Critical" option. 

There are filters available so you can easily see all the tasks that are Unreviewed, Approved, have Warnings or are in a Critical status. 

You can add a new item to the list by clicking the green button by "Add Item," and entering the details accordingly. 

Towards the right of the screen there are two buttons, Request Revisions and Approve Report

When selecting the Request Revisions button, any items that have been flagged as Warnings or Critical will show up here, and the Reviewer can request as many revisions as necessary. 

When a Revision Request is submitted by the Reviewer, the status of the review will update to Revisions Required. This will update on the appraisal details page in the Review tab (where we started this process).
Please Note: Each time a revision is requested, a new file must be uploaded. 

When a new report is uploaded after a revision, the status will update to Revised. The option to View History will also appear. 

Viewing the history of this revision will give information around what has happened at each step of the process. 

When the Reviewer has no more items marked with Warnings or as Critical and everything is in an Approved status, they can click the Approve Report button to update the status back to the appraisal details page.
Please Note: If anything is marked Critical on a report, it cannot be approved until that issue has been resolved.

Please contact our support team via live chat if you're interested in trying this feature!

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