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Download All Files and Photos in One Click

We've updated the Files area of Anow so it's easier than ever to download all the files and images for your appraisals!

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

Where to Download All Files & Images on the Appraisal Details Page

On the details page for each order under the Attachments section, there are two new buttons: Download all images and Download all files. This is especially useful if there are multiple attachments in Anow; just click the button and everything will download directly to your computer.

Where to Download All Files & Images on the Quick View Panel

When you hover over an appraisal in the list view, a Quick View button will appear.

When the Quick View panel opens, go to the Files tab. This is where you can upload new photos, attachments, and final reports. The Download all images and Download all files buttons are available at the bottom of the panel.

Please note that the Download All feature behaves the same way on the Order Details page as it does on the Quick View panel. In order to see the Download all images and Download all files buttons, you have to upload at least one photo and regular file to the order. You can see in the screenshot below that I don't have a photo uploaded, so I don't have the option to Download all images:

For more information about Quick View and other new dashboard updates, click here!

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