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Create and Edit Report Fees

Need help adding a new fee or editing an existing fee?

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over 4 years ago

Create Report Fee from New Order Form

When creating a new appraisal there's an area where you can enter the Report Fee amount. The Report Fee field is also available on the Quick Add appraisal form.

Example 1

On the new appraisal form I'll leave the order unassigned and set the fee for $545.

After adding an appraisal with a Report Fee amount listed, you'll see the relevant information under the Fees & Costs section on the details page.

  • Report Fee = $545.00

  • Appraisers Fee = $0

  • Description of the fee is set to Appraisal Report Fee

  • The rate is $545, which is the amount I entered on the new appraisal form (see previous screenshot)

  • Quantity is 1

  • This fee currently isn't assigned to anyone because I didn't assign a Primary Appraiser to the order yet

  • Commission is equal to 0 because there isn't anyone assigned (this will automatically update when an appraiser with their commission details set up is assigned to this fee)

  • If there was an assigned appraiser and they had been paid, you could use the "Appraiser Paid On" field to enter the date when they were paid

  • Bill Client is set to "Yes" by default; this means that you will invoice the client for this fee

Example 2

For this example we'll assign the appraisal and set the fee amount to $545 again. This way you can clearly see what happens when an appraiser is assigned to a fee and their commissions are calculated.

The fee details under the Fees & Costs section appear as follows:

  • Report Fee = $545.00

  • Appraisers Fee = $136.25 (Report Fee x Commission %)

  • Description of the fee is set to Appraisal Report Fee

  • The rate is $545, which is the amount I entered on the new appraisal form (see previous screenshot)

  • Quantity is 1

  • This fee is assigned to Brenda Black

  • Commission is automatically set to 25% of the fee amount (this information is entered on the details page for each user)

  • If Brenda had already been paid, I could use the "Appraiser Paid On" field to enter the date she was paid on

  • Bill Client is set to "Yes" by default; this means that the client will be invoiced for this fee

Create Fee from Appraisal Details Page

To add a new fee to an existing order in Anow, go to the details page and click Add Fee under the Fees & Costs section (on the right side of the screen).

Clicking "Add Fee" will open up a new fee form where you can enter all the important fee information including:

  • The description of the fee

  • The rate or dollar amount

  • The quantity, which is set to "1" by default

  • Appraiser assigned to the fee

  • Appraiser commission % or flat fee amount

  • Appraiser Paid On date

  • Do you want to bill the client for this fee?

Click "Save" and the Report Fee and Appraiser Fee amounts will update accordingly.

Edit Existing Fees

If you need to edit a fee on an existing order, click the line item in the Fees & Costs section to reveal the full details.

For this example, I'll update the fee amount from $375 to $400, and change Brenda's commission % on this particular fee from 25% to 22%. Click save when you're done making changes to update the fee totals.

If you have any other questions about using the Fees & Costs section please contact our support team!

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