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UWM Appraisal Direct Setup

Information on how to setup and receive orders with United Wholesale Mortgage

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

Thank you for joining our new pilot program that allows you to accept orders and field reviews from lenders directly within Anow. We are very excited to bring you this opportunity which allows you to grow your appraisal business with ease and are so grateful to be a part of your ongoing success.

**There is a platform fee of $15 per order plus payment processing fees of 2.9% + 30 cents. Anow is a technology provider and NOT an AMC.

Start by signing up here:

Here are some simple instructions to help you get started:

Fill Out Your Appraiser Profile

Add your coverage area

  • Login to Anow, click your initials in the upper right corner and choose “Users”.

  • Click the user profile you want to add a coverage area for.

  • Select the “Coverage” tab on the user profile.

  • Add coverage areas for this user (Country, State/Province, County).

Add your phone number and License information

  • Login to Anow, click your initials in the upper right corner and choose “Users”.

  • Click the user profile you want to add information for.

  • Enter the phone number on the first screen.

  • Select the “License” tab on the user profile, then click the “Add” button in the “License Details” section.

  • Enter valid license details accordingly.

Add your Errors and Omissions details

Please note that you MUST have valid E&O details in your Anow user profile in order to receive Payouts.

  • After your license is entered, scroll down in the same tab (“License & Insurance”) and add your Errors and Omissions information, including: E&O Carrier, E&O Policy #, E&O Expiration Date, and E&O Coverage Amount $.

Connect to the UWM Appraisal Direct program

*Once the above information is complete, the Administrator of your company must connect to the UWM Appraisal Direct Program through their account.

  • Login to your account, click your initials in the upper right corner and choose "Account”.

  • Click the "Integrations" tab.

  • Look for UWM Appraisal Direct in the list, and make sure it says "Connected" next to it.

  • If the UWM Appraisal Direct option says "Connect" next to it, click "Connect" in order to be added to the UWM panel:

Add your lender payout information

Payouts with lenders occur through the "Payouts" functionality in the Integrations tab of your Account.

  1. Find the "Setup Payouts" bar in the Integration panel.

  2. Click the "Provide More Details" button to set up your payment information.

  3. Follow the steps on the screen.

  4. You will be paid once the order is completed.

Accepting UWM lender orders

Now that your Anow account is prepped and ready, let’s discuss where in Anow you’ll find new pending orders for acceptance and how to communicate with clients on these orders.

How to accept new Pending orders in Anow

1. Login to your account and click the “Pending” tab on the left of the screen.

2. New orders that have been assigned to you will appear in this list.

3. View order details, assign yourself to the order & accept it, or decline the order.

4. If the order is accepted it will appear in your main order list in Anow.

5. Begin working on your tasks!

How to CONDITIONALLY accept new Pending orders in Anow

1. Login to your account and click the “Pending” tab on the left of the screen.

2. New orders that have been assigned to you will appear in this list.

3. First you need to assign yourself to the order.

4. Once assigned, you’ll have the option to Accept, Quick Accept, Accept with conditions, or Decline.

5. You can counter on the fee and due date, and enter a reason for the conditions.

6. Submit your counter offer and the order will now show as “Conditional” in Anow. The client will receive your counter offer and accept or reject it accordingly.

How to send a note to the client from Anow

1. Login to your account and go to the Order Details page for the order you want to add a note on.

2. Scroll down on the details screen and look for the “Order Notes” section.

3. Type your message, check off the “Notify UWM Appraisal Direct” option, and click “Add Note”.

4. You will now see your note here with an indication that it was delivered to the client as well.

How to precheck and deliver the final report from Anow

  1. Login to your account and go to the Order Details page for the appraisal you’re working on.

  2. Scroll down on the details screen and look for the “Attached Files” area.

  3. Click the “Upload & Verify Final Report” button and select the file you’re going to deliver.
    ** Please note that you MUST use the "Upload & Verify Final Report" button in order to deliver your report to UWM.

  4. Once you select the XML file to be uploaded, a report review will automatically run for you, notifying you of any hard stops on your report.
    ** Please note that there will be a wait time of up to 2 minutes while the review is running on your report.

  5. Make any necessary adjustments, then click "Submit report to UWM Appraisal Direct" to deliver it when you're ready!

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