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Creating a Custom Report - Summary Report

If you want to create a custom report that gives you a high-level, general overview of your data - click here to learn how!

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

1. Click your initials or photo from the right corner of your account and choose Insights from the dropdown menu. 

2. Select Custom Reports from the left of the page and you'll see a screen that says "My Reports."

3. Click Create Report

4. First, pick the type of report you want to see. For this article we're going to go with Summary. 

  • Detailed - Each line in your report is a stand-alone piece of data.

  • Summary - Each line in your report is a grouping of data that allows you to see high-level information. 

5. When you choose a Summary style report, you must pick a criteria to group the data by (Group by). Appraiser is the default, but you can also choose Client or State. It's also important to note that you can't have different values for Sort by and Group by, so that's why the Sort by field goes dark. 

For this example, I'm going to leave it so the report data is grouped by the assigned appraiser. 

6. Because I've chosen to sort and group my report by the appraiser, there's automatically a blue box in the Report Columns field for "Primary Appraiser." There's also a green box titled "Orders (COUNT)." This means there's going to be a column on this report  that counts the number of orders per appraiser. 

You can change the Alias for any of the columns here so they show up with the title you want on the actual CSV report. You can also remove (click the grey "X" next to the box) and reorder (drag and drop) the columns. 

7. If you want to see averages and totals for different fields on this report, click Add a column. Select the type of data you want to see the sum or average for, then choose whether you want the sum or average. Click + Add when you're done!

For this example, I added a column to show the Average Appraiser Fee. I also updated the alias for this column to "Average App. Fee"

8. The next section shows any Filters you've got set up for this report. If you don't have any, click + Add another to get started. You can add more than one filter!

For this example, I set it up so I only see data with an Order Date after June 1st, 2019. 

9. You can schedule your report to automatically be sent to a certain person or group of people on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. 

For this example I've chosen to have the report delivered to Britt each day (Monday-Friday) at 10am. 

10. Set the title and description for your report. If you want to save your report, these fields are required. When you're ready, you can save your report, simply export it to a CSV, or both! If you choose to save the report, it'll appear on the main Custom Reports page under My Reports.

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