Mercury ➡️ Anow
The following fields will be filled out in Anow when you send order details over from Mercury.
Address (including latitude and longitude)
Ordered By client
Addressed To client
Property Owner / Borrower
Contact for Access
Order Source
Due Date
Land Description
FHA/VA Case Number
Loan Number
Client Reference Number
Contract Value
Other Value
Assigned Appraiser
Report Type
Is it a Rush order?
Property Type
Appraisal Purpose (this is the Loan Purpose field in Mercury)
Please Note: The names listed above might not be the same as what they are called in Mercury; these are the names of the Anow fields.
Anow ➡️ Mercury
At this time, the only information that's sent from Anow to Mercury through MercuryNow is the Appointment Date.
Click here for the instructions on how to get started with the MercuryNow integration!