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Customize Assignment Roles

Access settings for your different Assignment Roles.

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a week ago

Please note that customizing Assignment Types is available exclusively for Anow Grow and Accelerate plan subscribers! 🌟 Keep reading to find out what you can do for Assignment Roles with each of these plans (Grow & Accelerate).

For Grow Users:

Anyone subscribed to the Anow Grow plan will have access to settings for the following roles: Inspector, Appraiser, Trainee, and Review Lead. Go to your Account and click "Assignment Roles" to get started βœ…

Settings for Appraisers include:

  • Allow Multiples - Do you want multiple people to be assigned to the role on the order?

  • Set an associated commission with this Assignment Role - The commission amounts will be drawn from the assigned user's profile.
    ​Click here to learn more about setting up user commissions.

Settings for Inspectors, Trainees & Review Leads includes everything mentioned for Appraisers, plus:

  • Always Show - Do you want this Assignment Role to always show on the New Order Form & Appraisal Details page, even if it's unassigned?

  • Decide if you want to give this Assignment Role access to Appointment Date, Due Date, and/or Order Fee details.
    ➑️ Important Note #1: If you check the box for any of these dates & fees options, User Role permissions will come into play. For example if I assign a "Restricted Appraiser" as a Trainee, even if the "Show Order Fees" box is checked off, this particular user won't be able to see Report Fee information due to the Restricted Appraiser role permissions.
    ➑️ Important Note #2: If a user with an Admin-style role (Admin, Admin Appraiser, Assistant, or Data Entry) is assigned to an Assignment Role that should not see the date and/or fee options, they will still see that information because their User Role permissions dictate they need to see important order details.

These are the default Assignment Role settings:

For Accelerate Users:

Anyone subscribed to the Accelerate plan will have full access to all of the features and customization tools available for Assignment Roles. This includes everything Grow users get and more! 🎊

On top of everything that Grow users can do, Accelerate users can also:

  • Add unlimited new Assignment Roles

  • Delete Assignment Roles

  • Customize the name of new and existing Assignment Roles

Go to your Account and click the Assignment Roles tab. Inspector, Appraiser, Review Lead and Trainee will be shown by default, but you can edit the name of existing and newly added role types anytime:

Delete a line by clicking the trash icon next to the one you want to remove:

Rearrange the order in which the Assignment Roles appear on the New Order Form & Details Page by dragging and dropping them with the three dots to the left of each line. Please note that the field marked "Primary" will always be the first item shown on the long form.

Adding new Assignment Roles is easy. Click "+ Add Another Type" to open a new line and enter the name for the custom role you want, then check off the relevant settings.

Save the new role. You can continue adding as many Assignment Roles as you'd like.

Check out the rest of the features available in our Anow Accelerate plan πŸ‘‡

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