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Anow Direct Onboarding Wizard!

Get set up with Anow Direct and receive new orders.

Riley DiMarco avatar
Written by Riley DiMarco
Updated over a year ago

Looking for an easy way to set up your Anow Direct details, so you can work for lenders directly through Anow?

This onboarding tool will help you enter your basic details, license, E&O details, and coverage area.

Begin by going to and logging in with your Anow credentials, if you're not already logged in. Click the purple button to get started:

Supply Basic Information

The first page allows you to enter your basic information, including your full name, phone number, monthly capacity, and location. You can click "Edit Address" to edit specific details of the location such as longitude, latitude, unit number, and more.

Save and go to the next page when you're done.

Add Your License

Adding your license information is easy! Pick the state and enter your license number. Once you add in your license, we will do a live verification against the two main appraiser directories, and Your license will either pass or fail the verification. If it fails, you have the ability to edit the information to ensure everything is correct (including expiration date and format of license). You may continue the profile wizard even if your license is not verified. However, you will not be able to receive any orders from a lender until you have at least one valid license on file.

Enter E&O Insurance Information

The E&O details page requires you to enter the following information:

Add Coverage Area(s)

Finally, submit your Coverage Area details. Once you add a specific county, you can "edit" by individual zip code.

Please note that if you already have Coverage Area details entered in your Anow user profile, they will appear here as well.

Anow Pro Tip: Click the "View Map" button to see the selected coverage areas visually.

Finish up, and your required information is all set!

**There is a $15 platform fee per order + payment processing fees (2.9% + 30 cents).

**Anow is a technology provider and NOT an AMC.

**Please note that only Admin style roles can control the connections for your company, and manage the Stripe integration.

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